Get a free exchange-traded fund (ETF) or fraction of an ETF when you join Wealthyhood completely free!
Use our link here and follow the simple step-by-step instructions below for your Wealthyhood free shares.
After registering and depositing, you will be given free shares valued between £10 – £200! For UK residents.
It’s easy and only takes 5-10 minutes to sign up (best to use mobile); you just need personal info and NI number on hand.
Wealthyhood Bonus Offer: Step-by-Step Guide
Sign up to Wealthyhood and complete the application process for your Wealthyhood free shares.
The first step is to confirm your email address through the code they send you.
Then complete the steps in the app to start your ‘portfolio’ (stocks, bonds, commodities or real estate).
Pick the investments you are interested in for your Wealthyhood free shares. Choose Global or USA, and your preferred sectors and industries, asset class/industry (it is all straightforward to do, follow the options to choose your portfolio mix).
Next, verify your account by inputting some personal information, confirming your NI number and complete the setting up of your investment account.
All of the above takes no more than 5-10 minutes, and the app verification takes seconds.
You can now make your first investment or skip to your dashboard. So you don’t forget and miss out on your bonus, it’s best to deposit £10 into your new account at this stage.
Welathyhood will then show you how your portfolio looks, and the app is very attractively laid out.
You are now all set! Wealthyhood will email you when your £10 deposit has landed and turned into your portfolio of Wealthyhood free shares.
Why not check out your account and see what the app has to offer (however, you can just wait and take out all of your profits in due course 🙂 – see below)
Within 10 days, you will receive your free random bonus (shares_ of between £10-£200 (you will usually receive this in less time, perhaps around only 3-4 days).
How to withdraw your funds
You can withdraw your initial £10 at any time but need to wait 90 days until you can withdraw the bonus (consider setting yourself a reminder to do this, so you don’t forget) – share value in cash.

For more offers, head back to our free money pages.
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